Winter Rugging


How should you be rugging your horse this winter? Horses can regulate their temperature between 5 and 25 degrees Celsius. Many owners over rug their horses and are unaware that despite the fact it is done with the best intentions it is actually cruel. Heavy weight rugs should only be used in exceptional circumstances such […]

Try Something New!

Horseball - Photo Credit Greg Jackson

Five different sports for you and your horse. Want to get involved in an equestrian sport and do something a bit different? Perhaps you are looking for a fresh challenge, or a new discipline to try with your horse as you haven’t quite found their forte? Check out the five options below and see what […]

Summer Worming


Every season brings its problems and even though we look forward to the long light days, summer is no exception. While the battle to control flies is a visible daily trial at this time of year it’s important to remember about other parasites too such as intestinal worms, pinworm, bots, ticks and summer sores that […]

Worming Your Horse

Tapeworm Treatment Options

Horse health professionals rally to determine best practice as “Equitape” horse wormer to be discontinued from October 2018. From October 2018 the wormer brand, Equitape®, commonly used to treat tapeworm infection will be discontinued from sale in the UK. This wormer is the only licenced product for horses containing praziquantel as a single active ingredient. […]

Personal Accident Cover


As riders our main focus is usually our horses and we forget about putting cover in place for ourselves, despite the unpredictable nature of horses. Personal Accident Insurance is, therefore, an important consideration whether you are a professional or amateur rider. There are many different policies available covering personal accident and it’s important to consider […]