BE Personal Accident


As riders we are always looking out for our horses and often forget about putting cover in place for ourselves. The British Eventing Personal Accident policy created in conjunction with KBIS provides cover for any accidents sustained whilst riding and handling horses, whether at home, schooling or out competing. The unpredictability of horses and eventing […]

Equine Flu


Equine Influenza is endemic in the population of horses in the United Kingdom and Mainland Europe. The virus circulates at low levels and is diagnosed from time to time in all parts of the continent. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated animals can be affected, but vaccinated animals may show only mild clinical signs as opposed to […]

Winter Rugging


How should you be rugging your horse this winter? Horses can regulate their temperature between 5 and 25 degrees Celsius. Many owners over rug their horses and are unaware that despite the fact it is done with the best intentions it is actually cruel. Heavy weight rugs should only be used in exceptional circumstances such […]