Author Archives: KBIS

Personal Accident Cover


As riders our main focus is usually our horses and we forget about putting cover in place for ourselves, despite the unpredictable nature of horses. Personal Accident Insurance is, therefore, an important consideration whether you are a professional or amateur rider. There are many different policies available covering personal accident and it’s important to consider […]

Fat or Fit?


Hardly a week passes without there being an article in the News about the obesity crisis in the human population. Today’s young people may be the first generation not to have longer lifespans than their parents. There is a huge increase in Type 2 diabetes and obesity is linked to heart disease, numerous types of […]

Rider Insurance


Insuring Yourself – What does Rider Insurance Cover? Rider Insurance is a term used for both Personal Accident Insurance and Public Liability Insurance for people who ride or handle horses. These types of insurance cover different risks as follows; Personal Accident Insurance covers you for injuries you sustain while riding and handling horses, these types of […]